Have you ever found yourself searching high and low for a jacket with ample pockets? The struggle is real. But fret not, fellow pocket enthusiasts, for we have scoured the streets of Salt Lake City to bring you ten stores where you can find jackets with a plethora of pockets!
First on our list is The North Face. This outdoor gear store offers jackets with pockets galore, perfect for any adventure-seeking soul. Prices vary depending on style, but you can typically find jackets with multiple pockets for around $200.
Next up, we have Patagonia. Don’t let the name fool you, their jackets aren’t just for pata-gone-iaphobes, they’re for for anyone who loves pockets. You can snag one of their jackets with a ton of pockets for around $250.
Cotopaxi, the socially-conscious outdoor brand, is next on our list. Their stylish and sustainable jackets with pockets aplenty can usually be found for under $200.
If you’re looking for a jacket that’s a bit more on the affordable side, head on over to Old Navy. You can get your hands on a jacket with a decent number of pockets for around $50.
For those looking for something a bit more upscale, check out Arc’teryx. Their high-end jackets come with a premium price tag, but they’re worth it for the amount of pockets you’ll get. You’ll typically find them for around $500.
For those who prefer a more vintage-inspired look, check out Fjällräven. Their jackets with plenty of pockets add style and functionality, typically costing around $300.
Outdoor Research is another great spot for durable and functional jackets that won’t let you down. With an average price of $250, you can get a jacket that’s both stylish and practical in terms of pockets.
Columbia is a classic outdoor brand and a great option for those who want a jacket with plenty of pockets but don’t want to pay premium prices. You can usually find their jackets for around $100, depending on the style.
Next on the list is REI, or Recreational Equipment Inc. Their jackets with plenty of pockets accommodate any outdoor excursion, from hiking to biking to camping. Prices vary, but you can usually find a decent jacket for around $150.
Last but certainly not least, we have Eddie Bauer. This outdoor brand has been around for over 100 years and offers jackets with numerous pockets that are both stylish and practical. You can expect to pay around $150 for a jacket with a lot of pockets at Eddie Bauer.
There you have it, folks, ten places to score a jacket with more pockets than you know what to do with! Don’t let a lack of pockets hold you back from your outdoor endeavors. Get out there and shop ’til you’ve got enough pockets to carry all your essentials!