Finding the perfect pair of hiking socks can be quite the feat. It’s not just about finding a pair that fits well and provides the right amount of cushioning, but also one that will keep your feet dry and blister-free on those long treks through the wilderness. With so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right pair for your outdoor adventures. But fear not, dear hiker, for Huntington, West Virginia, is home to a variety of stores that specialize in outdoor gear, including hiking socks. So, put your best foot forward and let’s explore 10 places in Huntington where you can find the hiking socks of your dreams.
- Appalachian Outdoors
- Trailblazers Adventure Center
- Summit Hut
- Trailhead Outdoor Co.
- Wild Things Outdoor Gear
- Adventure Outdoors is your one-stop shop for all things outdoor gear, including hiking socks. With brands like Smartwool and Fox River, you’ll find socks that are both comfortable and long-lasting. Prices range from $12 to $20 per pair, so you can find a sock that suits your needs without breaking the bank.
- Outdoor Supply Company
- The Basecamp
- Gearhead Outfitters
- Adventure Sports is your go-to destination for all things outdoor gear, including hiking socks. With brands like Farm to Feet and Wigwam, you’ll find socks that are both comfortable and durable. Prices start at $15 per pair, so you can stock up on quality socks for all your outdoor adventures.
At Appalachian Outdoors, you’ll find a wide selection of hiking socks from brands like Smartwool and Darn Tough. With prices ranging from $15 to $25 per pair, you’re sure to find a sock that fits both your feet and your budget. Plus, their knowledgeable staff can help you find the perfect pair for your next adventure.
For hiking socks that are both stylish and functional, look no further than Trailblazers Adventure Center. With brands like Wigwam and Farm to Feet, you’ll be sure to turn heads on the trails. Prices start at $12 per pair, so you can stock up without breaking the bank.
At Summit Hut, you’ll find hiking socks for every type of terrain. Whether you’re tackling rocky mountain trails or muddy forest paths, they have the perfect pair for you. Prices range from $10 to $20 per pair, so you can gear up for your next hike without emptying your wallet.
For hiking socks that will keep your feet warm and dry in any weather, head to Trailhead Outdoor Co. They carry brands like Icebreaker and Thorlo, with prices starting at $18 per pair. With their unbeatable selection and expert advice, you’ll be ready to conquer any trail that comes your way.
If you’re looking for hiking socks that are as rugged and durable as you are, Wild Things Outdoor Gear has what you need. With brands like Wigwam and Point6, you can trust that your feet will be well-protected on even the toughest hikes. Prices start at $15 per pair, so you can invest in quality socks that will last for miles to come.
At Outdoor Supply Company, you’ll find hiking socks that are as stylish as they are functional. With brands like Farm to Feet and Wigwam, you’ll be sure to make a statement on the trails. Prices start at $14 per pair, so you can treat your feet to the comfort and support they deserve.
For hiking socks that will keep your feet cool and dry on those hot summer hikes, look no further than The Basecamp. With brands like Bridgedale and Fits, you’ll be ready to take on the trails in style. Prices range from $16 to $25 per pair, so you can find a sock that fits your budget without sacrificing quality.
At Gearhead Outfitters, you’ll find hiking socks that are as adventurous as you are. With brands like Smartwool and Icebreaker, you can trust that your feet will be well-protected on any trail. Prices start at $20 per pair, so you can invest in socks that will last for years to come.
So, whether you’re hitting the trails for a day hike or embarking on a multi-day backpacking trip, Huntington, West Virginia, has the hiking socks you need to keep your feet happy and blister-free. With so many options to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect pair for your next outdoor adventure. Happy hiking!